Rajib Chanda Co-Authored Article on Cybersecurity in BoardIQ
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Corporate Partner Rajib Chanda co-authored an article for BoardIQ, “Who’s Hacking E-Portals and How to Stop Them.” The article discusses the security risks with fund service providers posting sensitive information on online board portals, and lays out the steps that companies can take to prevent a data breach. While the information on board portals may be of less interest to sophisticated hackers, including those from foreign countries or terrorists, companies should take precautions against insiders of a firm who may want to gain access to communications by fund officers to the board. The article highlights practices that boards may want to consider to provide additional security to their portals such as two-factor authentication, mandatory minimum complexity standards for passwords, registering each device used to access a system through a one-time code and terminating user access on lost devices.
To read the complete article, please click here (subscription required).